Friday, July 18, 2008

Unit Four Ethical Issue

World Resource ABUSE

World resource use--particularly energy use has gotten out of control. Economic development has put the world on a fast track to destruction. Stereotypically, Americans are one of the most wasteful of societies. Population growth will naturally contribute to the depletion of resources. How much depletion, however, will result in the demographics of that population increase.

In the third world island nation of Vanuatu for instance population growth may not have that much effect on energy use. Typically, there is no electricity, no vehicles, no running water. When a family increases in size they adapt to the addition by planting extra crops. Bathing is done in streams, the ocean, or in rain. Composting toilets are used.

In America, however, an addition to the family generally means a larger (less full efficient) vehicle and one more person to use an abundance of unnecessary electricity and water resource. "A typical U.S. child will consume the same resources as 30 children in India and 300 children in Ethiopia. A typical U.S. resident consumes energy as if they were a 30,000 kg primate".

We should stop encouraging economic development in "under-developed" countries. The fact is, we are over-developed and enabling an abuse of world resources. America would do well to take others into consideration for once: un-develop and waste less.

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