This screen shows a nutritional summary of the food that I have eaten today. (Disclaimer: I'm visiting my mother and am indulging in whatever I'd like for the week!).
How healthy a daily diet do you think this is? Why?
I think as a daily diet this diet is ridiculous and unhealthy. While the calorie content is low, the fat content is quite high. Roughly 1500 calories were consumed for the day. Of those calories, 470 (52 g) of those were fat. The amount of saturated fat (22 g) consumed was higher than it should be for an average day. The sodium consumption was high also.
What would you change about this day's eating, if anything? I would have a bit of self control! I'd include more greens in the day's diet--perhaps replace the ice cream sundae with a salad. Also, I'd drink water instead of tea and lemonade. I generally feel parched if I drink liquids other than water through the day. I would consume more calories, but less fat so I would be more satisfied at the end of the day.
Do you find this kind of nutritional tracking helpful? Why or why not? I do find this kind of tracking helpful. I tend to overeat, so tracking everything for the day helps me stay accountable and see that the small handfuls of junk here and there really add up each day. I find it beneficial to know where I'm lacking in vitamins, proteins, fibers, etc. I haven't used this system on a regular basis, but think if I started it would be helpful in balancing my eating habits.
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