Friday, July 18, 2008

Embryonic and Fetal Development Lab

Significant Events During Embryonic and Fetal Development

1. Fertilization begins when the sperm penetrates the egg and ends with the production of a zygote. This normally takes 24 hours. This is significant as it is the very first stage of embryonic and fetal development.

2. Implantation takes place after 7-12 days. The egg attaches to the womb in order to survive.

3. Placenta forms usually around the 13th day. This provides nourishment and blood to the fetus.

4. Cardiac Muscle Contraction Begins

Neural Folds/Heart Folds begin to fuse. This happens within 21-23 days from fertilization.

The two endocardial tubes formed previously now fuse. Together they form one single tube generated from the cells of the "roof" of the nueral tube. The heart tube takes on an S-shape establishing the asymetry of the heart. As the S-shape forms, cardiac muscle contraction begins.

5. Kidneys Start to Produce Urine- this happens around 44-48 days. Kidneys remove toxins and waste from the body and are essential to survival.

6. Brain Structure Complete - at 61-68 days. This is necessary to control thinking, breathing, movement, etc.

7. Fetus is Able to Hear- 22 weeks.

8. Lung Development- at 26 weeks the lungs are developed enough to breath oxygen.

9. Use of Eyes- at 32 weeks the baby can open and close its eyes.

10. Birth- the baby is fully developed and ready to be born at 40 weeks.

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